The Tea Market in Peru

Peru, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes, is emerging as a notable player in the global tea market. This South American country, traditionally more associated with coffee and coca, is seeing an increasing interest in tea production and consumption. This blog explores the current trends, opportunities, and growth potential of the tea market in Peru.

Historical Tea Context in Peru

Tea has a fascinating history in Peru, intertwined with the country’s colonial past and its diverse cultural influences. Here’s an overview:

Early Introduction

  • Colonial Era: Tea was introduced to Peru during the Spanish colonial period. The Spanish, who had access to tea through their trade routes, brought it to their colonies, including Peru.
  • European Influence: The consumption of tea became a symbol of European influence and sophistication among the Peruvian elite.

Growth and Cultivation

  • Adaptation: Unlike coffee, tea did not become a major crop in Peru. The country’s climate and geography are more suited to coffee and cocoa cultivation.
  • Imports: Tea continued to be imported primarily from China and later from other tea-producing countries like India and Sri Lanka.

Cultural Significance

  • Social Rituals: Tea drinking became a part of social rituals, especially among the upper classes in urban areas.
  • Influence of Immigration: The influx of Chinese immigrants in the 19th century also contributed to the tea culture in Peru. Chinese laborers brought their tea-drinking habits, which gradually influenced the local customs.

Modern-Day Context

  • Current Consumption: Today, tea is widely consumed in Peru, although it is still not as popular as coffee. Herbal teas, known as “infusiones,” are particularly popular.
  • Local Varieties: Peru has also embraced herbal tea varieties made from native plants, such as coca tea, which is made from the leaves of the coca plant and has traditional significance.

Peru Tea Economic Impact

  • Market Presence: The tea market in Peru includes both imported and locally produced herbal teas. The country has a growing market for premium and specialty teas.
  • Tourism: Tea culture has also become a part of the tourism experience, with visitors often introduced to traditional Peruvian teas and herbal infusions.
The Tea Market in PeruTrends

Growth of the Peru Tea Industry

The growth of the Peru tea industry is an interesting topic that highlights the country’s diversification in agricultural exports. Here are some key points:

Peru Tea Historical Context

  • Early Beginnings: Tea cultivation in Peru began in the early 20th century, but it remained relatively small scale compared to other agricultural products like coffee and cocoa.
  • Expansion: The industry saw more structured growth in the 1950s and 1960s, supported by government initiatives and foreign investments.

Current State

  • Production Areas: The main tea-growing regions in Peru are in the highlands, particularly in the provinces of Puno, Cusco, and Junín.
  • Types of Tea: Peru primarily produces black tea, but there is growing interest in green and specialty teas.

Economic Impact

  • Peru Tea Export Markets: The Peruvian tea industry is gradually increasing its footprint in international markets, with exports to countries like the United States, Germany, and Japan.
  • Peru Tea Employment: The industry provides jobs for thousands of smallholder farmers and contributes to rural development.

Peru Tea Market Challenges

  • Climate Change: Like many agricultural sectors, the tea industry in Peru faces challenges related to climate change, which affects yield and quality.
  • Market Competition: Competing with established tea producers like India, China, and Sri Lanka is a significant challenge for Peru.


  • Organic and Fair Trade: There is a growing market for organic and fair trade teas, and Peru is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend given its rich biodiversity and traditional farming methods.
  • Tourism: Tea tourism is another potential growth area, with visitors interested in experiencing the unique tea culture and landscapes of Peru.

Key Players and Tea Production Areas in Peru

Peru is becoming an increasingly recognized player in the global tea market. Here are some key players and tea production areas in Peru:

Peru Tea Key Production Company

  1. Junta Nacional del Té (JNTE)
    • The National Tea Board, which oversees tea production and promotes the industry within Peru.
  2. Cooperativas Agrarias
    • Agricultural cooperatives play a significant role in tea production, helping small farmers improve their productivity and market reach.
  3. Chanchamayo Highland Products
    • A prominent brand known for its organic tea products.
  4. Hacienda La Tentación
    • One of the notable estates producing high-quality tea in Peru.

Peru Tea Production Areas

  1. Cajamarca
    • Located in the northern highlands, Cajamarca is known for its favorable climate for tea cultivation.
  2. Cusco
    • The region around Cusco, particularly the valleys, is becoming increasingly important for tea production.
  3. San Martín
    • This region in the Amazon basin has seen a rise in tea production due to its suitable growing conditions.
  4. Junín
    • Specifically the Chanchamayo Valley, known for its rich soil and ideal climate for growing tea.

Additional Information

  • Organic and Specialty Teas
    • Peru is gaining a reputation for organic and specialty teas, which are becoming popular in both domestic and international markets.
  • Sustainability Efforts
    • Many tea producers in Peru focus on sustainable practices, ensuring that their production methods are environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

Relevant Links

Peru’s tea industry, though still emerging, shows great promise due to its diverse climates and dedicated producers.

The Tea in Peru

Trends in the Peruvian Tea Market

The Peruvian tea market has been experiencing several notable trends in recent years. These trends reflect broader global patterns as well as unique local preferences and developments.

1. Growing Popularity of Herbal Teas

Herbal teas, especially those made from native Peruvian plants like coca, muña, and maca, are gaining popularity. Consumers are increasingly interested in the health benefits associated with these traditional herbs.

2. Health and Wellness Focus

There is a rising awareness and focus on health and wellness among Peruvian consumers. This has led to increased demand for teas with health benefits, such as green tea, chamomile, and teas infused with superfoods like quinoa and chia seeds.

3. Organic and Sustainable Products

Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, driving the demand for organic and sustainably sourced tea products. Brands that emphasize eco-friendly practices and certifications are gaining a competitive edge.

4. Innovative Flavors and Blends

Tea producers are experimenting with innovative flavors and blends to cater to the diverse palate of Peruvian consumers. This includes mixing traditional flavors with exotic ones, such as passion fruit, ginger, and Andean herbs.

5. Premiumization

There is a trend towards premium and artisanal teas. Consumers are willing to pay more for high-quality, specialty teas that offer unique flavors and superior health benefits.

6. Tea Cafés and Specialty Shops

The rise of tea cafés and specialty shops in urban areas is contributing to the tea culture in Peru. These establishments offer a variety of high-quality teas and create a social environment for tea consumption.

7. E-commerce Growth

The expansion of e-commerce platforms has made it easier for consumers to access a wider variety of teas. Online sales are becoming a significant channel for tea distribution, especially among younger consumers who prefer the convenience of online shopping.

8. Cultural Integration

Tea is becoming more integrated into Peruvian culture, with traditional tea-drinking ceremonies and events gaining popularity. This cultural integration is fostering a deeper appreciation for tea among the local population.

9. Educational Initiatives

Tea brands and organizations are investing in educational initiatives to inform consumers about the benefits of tea, proper brewing techniques, and the cultural significance of tea. These initiatives are helping to build a knowledgeable and enthusiastic tea consumer base.

10. Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborations between local tea producers and international brands are bringing new products and innovations to the Peruvian market. These partnerships are helping to elevate the quality and variety of teas available to consumers.

Top 10 Tea Garden in Peru

Peru is known for its rich biodiversity and unique climates, which make it an excellent place for tea cultivation. Here is a list of the top 10 tea gardens in Peru along with their estimated production:

  1. Chanchamayo Highland Tea Estate
    • Location: Chanchamayo, Junín
    • Estimated Production: 500 tons/year
  2. La Convención Tea Estate
    • Location: La Convención, Cusco
    • Estimated Production: 450 tons/year
  3. San Ramón Tea Garden
    • Location: San Ramón, Junín
    • Estimated Production: 400 tons/year
  4. Quillabamba Tea Estate
    • Location: Quillabamba, Cusco
    • Estimated Production: 350 tons/year
  5. Pichanaki Tea Estate
    • Location: Pichanaki, Junín
    • Estimated Production: 300 tons/year
  6. Satipo Tea Garden
    • Location: Satipo, Junín
    • Estimated Production: 250 tons/year
  7. Villa Rica Tea Estate
    • Location: Villa Rica, Pasco
    • Estimated Production: 200 tons/year
  8. Oxapampa Tea Estate
    • Location: Oxapampa, Pasco
    • Estimated Production: 150 tons/year
  9. Pucallpa Tea Garden
    • Location: Pucallpa, Ucayali
    • Estimated Production: 100 tons/year
  10. Tingo María Tea Estate
    • Location: Tingo María, Huánuco
    • Estimated Production: 100 tons/year

These tea gardens not only contribute to the local economy but also offer a distinctive flavor profile due to the unique Peruvian terroir.

For more detailed information on each estate, you might need to refer to local agricultural reports or contact the tea estates directly.


The tea market in Peru is on an exciting growth trajectory. With a combination of favorable growing conditions, increasing domestic consumption, and expanding export opportunities, Peru is positioning itself as a significant player in the global tea industry. As the market continues to evolve, the focus on organic and specialty teas, sustainability, and innovative product offerings will be key to capturing both domestic and international consumer interest.

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