How to Start Tea Business in Pakistan

Tea is not just a beverage in Pakistan; it’s a significant part of the culture and daily life. The growing demand for quality tea offers a lucrative opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. If you are passionate about tea and want to start your own tea business in Pakistan, this guide will take you through all the essential steps.

Overview of the Tea Market in Pakistan

Market Size and Consumption

  • High Consumption: Pakistan is one of the largest tea-consuming countries globally. The average Pakistani drinks multiple cups of tea daily.
  • Market Size: The tea market in Pakistan is substantial, with estimates suggesting it exceeds $500 million annually.
  • Per Capita Consumption: The per capita tea consumption is approximately 1 kg per person per year.

Types of Tea

  • Black Tea: Dominates the market, accounting for the majority of tea consumed.
  • Green Tea: Gaining popularity, especially among health-conscious consumers.
  • Herbal and Specialty Teas: A smaller but growing segment, particularly in urban areas.

Key Players

  • Local Brands: Tapal, Lipton (Unilever), and Supreme are some of the major local brands.
  • International Brands: Various international brands are also present, though local brands hold a significant market share.

Import and Export

  • Imports: Pakistan primarily imports tea from countries like Kenya, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Kenya is the largest supplier.
  • Exports: The export of tea from Pakistan is minimal, as the country is a net importer to meet domestic demand.

Market Trends

  • Health Trends: Increasing awareness of health benefits is driving the demand for green and herbal teas.
  • Premiumization: There is a growing market for premium and specialty teas, particularly in urban areas.
  • Packaging Innovations: Convenience and sustainability are becoming important, leading to innovations in tea packaging.

Government Policies

  • Tariffs and Duties: The government imposes various tariffs and duties on tea imports, which can affect pricing and availability.
  • Support for Local Blenders: Policies that support local tea blenders and packagers can influence market dynamics.

Consumer Preferences

  • Taste: Strong, full-bodied black tea with milk and sugar is the preferred choice.
  • Convenience: Tea bags are popular for their convenience, though loose-leaf tea remains widely used.

Market Research

Before diving into the tea business, it’s crucial to analyze the market. Understand the preferences of your target audience and identify your competition. Conduct surveys and gather data on the most popular types of tea, consumer preferences, and market trends.

Tea Business Plan in Pakistan

Creating a solid business plan is the foundation of any successful business. Outline your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. Decide whether you want to operate an online store, a physical shop, or a combination of both. Your business plan should also include a detailed budget covering all startup costs.

Analyzing the tea market in Pakistan

Legal Requirements Tea in Pakistan

To legally operate a tea business in Pakistan, you need to register your business and acquire the necessary licenses and permits. Ensure you comply with local regulations, including food safety and hygiene standards. If you plan to import or export tea, familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations and documentation.

Sourcing Tea in Pakistan

Finding reliable tea suppliers is crucial for maintaining the quality of your products. Research and connect with tea plantations or distributors who can provide high-quality tea leaves. Evaluate their products through samples and negotiate favorable terms for long-term partnerships.

Setting Up Your Business

Choose a strategic location for your tea shop that attracts foot traffic. If you’re setting up an online store, invest in a user-friendly website. Design your shop or online store layout to create an inviting atmosphere for your customers.

Tea Branding and Marketing in Pakistan

Develop a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience. Your marketing strategy should include both traditional and digital channels. Utilize social media platforms, create engaging content, and participate in tea expos and fairs to promote your brand.

Tea Product Range in Pakistan

Offer a diverse range of teas to cater to different tastes. Consider adding specialty and organic teas to your product line. Pay attention to packaging and labeling, as they play a significant role in attracting customers.

Tea Pricing Strategy in Pakistan

Set competitive prices for your tea products. Conduct market research to understand the pricing landscape and determine your pricing strategy. Offer promotions and discounts to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Building Customer Relationships

Exceptional customer service is key to building a loyal customer base. Train your staff to be knowledgeable and courteous. Encourage customer feedback and use it to improve your products and services.

Managing Operations

Efficient operations are vital for the smooth running of your tea business. Implement inventory management systems to keep track of stock levels. Hire and train staff who share your passion for tea and are committed to delivering quality service.

Expansion Plans

Once your tea business is established, explore expansion opportunities. Consider opening new branches, entering new markets, or diversifying your product range. Continuous growth and innovation will keep your business thriving.

Analyzing the tea market in Pakistan

Tea is an integral part of Pakistani culture and daily life. The tea market in Pakistan is one of the largest in the world, with significant consumption per capita. This analysis explores the market dynamics, key players, consumption patterns, import statistics, and future trends.

Market Size and Consumption Patterns

  • Market Size: The tea market in Pakistan is valued at approximately USD 1 billion annually.
  • Consumption: Pakistan is the third-largest importer of tea globally, with an average annual consumption of around 172,911 metric tons.
  • Per Capita Consumption: The per capita tea consumption in Pakistan is estimated at 1 kg per person per year.

Key Players in the Market

  1. Tapal Tea: One of the largest and oldest tea brands in Pakistan, known for its diverse product range.
  2. Lipton (Unilever): A major player with a strong market presence, offering various blends and flavors.
  3. Brooke Bond Supreme (Unilever): Known for its strong taste and wide distribution network.
  4. Vital Tea: A popular choice among consumers due to its quality and affordability.
  5. Shan Foods: Recently entered the market with a focus on premium tea products.

Import Statistics

  • Major Import Sources: Kenya (the largest supplier), followed by India, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
  • Annual Imports: Pakistan imports around 200,000 metric tons of tea annually, with Kenya accounting for approximately 50% of these imports.
  • Import Value: The import value of tea in Pakistan is around USD 500 million annually.

Consumer Preferences and Trends

  • Chai Culture: Tea is deeply embedded in Pakistani culture, with ‘chai’ being a staple beverage in households, offices, and social gatherings.
  • Health Trends: Increasing awareness of the health benefits of green and herbal teas is driving growth in these segments.
  • Convenience Products: There is a rising demand for convenience products like instant tea and tea bags, particularly in urban areas.


  • Price Fluctuations: The market is sensitive to international price fluctuations, particularly from Kenya.
  • Quality Control: Ensuring consistent quality amid high import volumes is a challenge.
  • Competition: Intense competition among local and international brands can impact market share and profitability.

Future Trends

  • Premiumization: Growing middle-class income levels are likely to drive demand for premium and specialty teas.
  • Innovation: Introduction of new flavors, blends, and packaging innovations to attract younger consumers.
  • E-commerce: Increasing online sales channels for tea products, especially post-COVID-19.
  • Sustainability: Rising consumer awareness about sustainability may influence buying decisions, favoring ethically sourced and environmentally friendly products.

Last 10 Years Tea Market in Pakistan

Below is a summary table of the Tea Market in Pakistan over the last 10 years, highlighting key metrics and trends:

YearTotal Tea Consumption (Metric Tons)Domestic Production (Metric Tons)Imports (Metric Tons)Average Price per Kg (PKR)Major Import SourcesMarket Growth Rate (%)
2013172,0002,000170,000600Kenya, India, China4.5
2014180,0002,200177,800620Kenya, India, China4.7
2015188,0002,500185,500640Kenya, India, China4.4
2016196,0002,800193,200660Bangladesh, Kenya, India, China4.3
2017204,0003,000201,000680Bangladesh, Kenya, India, China4.1
2018212,0003,200208,800700Bangladesh, Kenya, India, China3.9
2019220,0003,500216,500720Sri Lanka, India, China3.8
2020228,0003,800224,200740Kenya, India, China, Sri Lanka3.6
2021236,0004,000232,000760Kenya, India, China3.5
2022244,0004,200239,800780Bangladesh, Kenya, India, China3.4
The total tea consumption in Pakistan has shown consistent growth over the past decade, with an average annual growth rate of around 4%.

Growing demand for quality tea in Pakistan

Tea, an integral part of Pakistani culture, has witnessed a significant transformation in consumer preferences over recent years. Traditionally, Pakistanis have favored strong, black tea with milk and sugar, often sourced from neighboring countries like India and Sri Lanka. However, the landscape is shifting as the demand for high-quality, premium teas is on the rise.

Tea Business Plan in Pakistan

Several factors contribute to this evolving trend. Firstly, increased exposure to global tea varieties through travel and the internet has broadened the Pakistani palate. Consumers are now more discerning and willing to explore diverse options such as green tea, herbal infusions, and specialty blends. This shift is also fueled by a growing health consciousness among the population. Green and herbal teas, known for their antioxidant properties and health benefits, are becoming popular alternatives to traditional black tea.

Moreover, the burgeoning middle class with higher disposable incomes is driving the demand for premium tea products. Urban centers like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad are seeing a surge in tea cafes and specialty tea shops, catering to an audience eager for unique and high-quality tea experiences. These establishments not only offer a variety of teas but also educate consumers about the origins, brewing techniques, and health benefits of different tea types.

The rise of e-commerce platforms has also played a pivotal role in making quality teas more accessible. Online marketplaces and local startups are providing a range of premium teas, often sourced directly from renowned tea estates, ensuring freshness and quality. This direct-to-consumer approach has democratized access to high-end tea products, previously limited to niche markets.

In conclusion, the growing demand for quality tea in Pakistan reflects a broader trend towards healthier lifestyles and a more sophisticated consumer base. As awareness and appreciation for premium teas continue to grow, the market is poised for further expansion, offering exciting opportunities for local and international tea brands.


Starting a tea business in Pakistan requires careful planning, research, and execution. By following these steps, you can turn your passion for tea into a profitable venture. Embrace the journey and enjoy the process of building your tea empire.

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